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Student Government Heartweek Fundraiser 2025

Student Government Heartweek Fundraiser 2025

Heart Week is a chance for students and staff of MHS to come together to raise money for Family Friends, an organization that assists Minnetonka Students and their families.

Merchandise purchases can be picked up during lunch hours on 2/10/2025 to 2/14/2025 from approximately 11:15am - 12:40pm in the Minnetonka High School (MHS) Commons.

Some examples of how the funds raised are used by Family Friends include: Paying for heating or grocery bills, college application fees, class fees, dental or vision assistance, activity or athletic fees, and/or coats and clothing.

$10 provides money for snacks at school for a week
$25 covers the cost of one field trip
$50 covers a college application fee
$100 provides a grocery store gift card

We thank you and appreciate your support for the Family Friends organization!

**Bring your phone/iPad or a printed receipt to be checked into ALL activities.
Sweetheart Dance forms for non-Minnetonka student guests:
MHS Guest Form: MHS Guest Form
Guest Administration Approval Form: Guest Administration Approval Form


Minnetonka High School
18301 Hwy 7, Minnetonka MN 55345

Contact Details