22 Crusader Golf Open
Check in: 11:00-11:45am
Shot gun start: 12:00pm, 18 hole round, 4-5 person scramble
Social/Dinner/Awards: 4:30pm
$150 = sponsor a hole
$75 = Individual Golfer = FULL - CANNOT REGISTER AN INDIVIDUAL as of 7/2
$500 = Team of 5 and a hole sponsorship = FULL - CANNOT REGISTER A TEAM as of 6/30
Shot gun start: 12:00pm, 18 hole round, 4-5 person scramble
Social/Dinner/Awards: 4:30pm
$150 = sponsor a hole
$75 = Individual Golfer = FULL - CANNOT REGISTER AN INDIVIDUAL as of 7/2
$500 = Team of 5 and a hole sponsorship = FULL - CANNOT REGISTER A TEAM as of 6/30
Wapicada Golf Club
4498 15h St. NE, Sauk Rapids MN 56379
Contact Details