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December Student Fun Night: Progressive Dinner 2023

December Student Fun Night: Progressive Dinner 2023



When: Saturday, December 9
Time: 6:00pm-9:30pm
Cost: Free to all

The holidays are a time to get together with friends, share a festive meal in joy and laughter, then move to another location and wassail it all again!

On the evening of Saturday, December 9, we'll head out on the town for a progressive dinner. What is a progressive dinner? It's a three-course dinner with a fun twist: each course is served at a different location. At one house an appetizer is served, at the next we'll have the entree, and have dessert at our final destination. All for the low, low price of, well, free.

This year our dining courses and generous host are: Appetizers at the Bartlow's house, Entree at the Hilton abode, and Dessert at the Wooldridge's. All for the low, low price of, well, free. We’ll meet at 6pm and finish up about 9:30pm.


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