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Summer Extension Program 2024

Summer Extension Program 2024



LC's summer program runs Mon through Thurs from 6/24-8/15. Classes run for 90-minute. Session I is from 8:00-9:30am, Session II is from 9:45-11:15am. The schedule will be set once class sizes are finalized. There will be no Summer School on Thurs, 7/4.
*This program is partially funded by a Federal Title I Grant

Remediation/Recovery (full year) $600 - Open to incoming gr 7-12
This is required for anyone who received a failing grade (64 or lower) in any full year class.

Remediation/Recovery (half year) $300 - gr 7-12
This is required for anyone who received a failing grade (64 or lower) in any semester class.

Study Skills (INCOMING 9TH GR ONLY) $300
Guidance has reached out to recommend this course for students who would benefit from organizational and executive functioning practice before entering HS.

Math Prep (INCOMING 9TH GR ONLY) $300
Guidance has reached out to recommend this course for students who would like to hone in their math skills bef


Lowell Catholic- Ryken Hall
530 Stevens Street, Lowell MA 01851