June Student Fun Night: Chicken 'N' Pickle
Date: Sunday, June 9Time: 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Location: NKC Chicken 'N' Pickle
Who: Any Pickleball players (or non-players) in 6th-12th grade
Cost: $25
It's Pickleball time y'all! On Sunday, June 9, from 5-8 p.m., we'll have an evening of pickleball at Chicken 'N Pickle in North Kansas City. We'll meet at 2BC at 5 p.m. to drive the bus there. We'll be back at church at 8 p.m.
The cost is $25. Since our Middle School trip to South Dakota leaves early the next morning, we'll take a few minutes to load the trailer and get everything ready for the trip as well. Come for the pickleball and lawn games, stay for the trailer loading! Sign-ups coming soon.
Chicken 'N' Pickle
1761 Burlington, North Kansas City MO 64068