SABC Membership Dues 2024/25

Pay your 2024/25 SABC Membership Dues HereWHAT DOES SABC DO?
SABC contributes over $30,000 to help all SHS athletic programs during each school year!
SABC provides all athletic letters, bars, and patches for athletes!
SABC organizes and serves refreshments at the Homecoming Bonfire!
SABC provides Senior Night flowers!
SABC sponsors a Gatorade Station for all athletes participating in Fall, Winter, and Spring sports!
SABC works with local businesses to sponsor Red Out and Blue Out spirit nights for our SHS students!
SABC organizes a Food Truck Night at a home football game in the Fall!
SABC provides all sport programs that are distributed at home games free of charge!
SABC provides yard signs for all athletes qualifying for State competitions!
SABC supports the hospitality rooms for coaches/officials/staff at sport events & tournaments!
SABC is a financial sponsor for Afterglow!
SABC maintains & updates the Viking billboard on Topeka Blvd across from Tarwaters.
Monday July 8 2024 9:15 AM - Wednesday April 30 2025 7:00 PM (UTC-05)Location
Seaman High School