By purchasing this ticket I agree to uphold all MSHSL and South St. Paul School District’s Spectator Expectations including but not limited to:
* I understand that is also my responsibility to abide by all of the MSHSL and South St. Paul School District’s policies, as they are presented.
* I must ask questions if I do not understand current policies or a portion of the handbook.
* I understand that I will be held accountable according to the MSHSL and South St. Paul School District’s policies.
Vanco Events is an online system for organizations and community groups that has been designed to look after the entire event ticketing needs.
All issues relating to the sale of tickets and the hosting of their associated event(s) are the responsibility of the “Event Organizer” and not that of Revtrak inc d/b/a Vanco Events.
Please visit for our terms and conditions.